Pregnancy Massage

from £50
"The one for the mamas"

Pregnancy is a magical time and massage can be truly amazing for the expectant mother. It can help reduce physical discomfort as your baby grows and your body changes, it improves the circulation of blood and lymph, eases restrictions in the hip and shoulder joints, increases the your awareness of good breathing, promotes body positivity, can help prepare for labour and calm any emotions that may arise during this time.

Your comfort will be of upmost importance during your treatment and I like to work with you in a side lying position with plenty of pillows to support you. Laying this way allows for optimal positioning of your growing baby and gives me good access to your body. I find most people are very relaxed in this position and I often use it for other types of massage too.

There is a lot of misinformation out there about massage during pregnancy. There is no supporting evidence that massage applied with knowledge, care and sensitivity is not safe during pregnancy and I am happy to massage you from the very first stages of your pregnancy right the way through to 4th trimester – the post partum period. This is not to dismiss that pregnancy is a vulnerable time; if you have any history of miscarriage or are going through IVF then I suggest that the massage be very gentle and soothing and I would avoid working around your lower back and abdomen. The massage would still have an effect on your parasympathetic nervous system which would result in relaxation and be very beneficial to both you and your growing baby. If you are pregnant and would like to have an informal chat with me about how massage may be beneficial I am more than happy to do so. I feel that when working with pregnant women it is important to acknowledge that I am not just working with one but two people and connecting with you both is key. I like to take my time with you to discuss your needs and outcomes for the session and as the birth draws nearer it’s great if your partner would like to come and learn some massage techniques for labour.

If you are trying to conceive please take a look at my Abdominal Sacral massage and Scar Tissue Release pages.

Chloe Pedlar